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Ronald R. Lee, 1930 - 2019 was a registered psychologist in Victoria, practiced psychotherapy for nearly 50 years, mostly in Chicago, in the U.S.A. He had a B.A, Honors degree (History) from The University of Melbourne, a Master of Divinity degree from Garrett Theological Seminary, a Ph.D. from Northwestern University (Chicago) and post doctoral training from the Menninger Foundation (Topeka, Kansas) where he was a Fellow in Religion and Psychiatry.
He has taught on a number of faculties including Iliff School of Theology (Denver), Garrett Theological Seminary and The Graduate School of Northwestern University and The Illinois School of Professional Psychology.
He was also a lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry, The Melbourne University, and a Consulting Psychologist to St Vincent's Mental Health.
He has published: Clients and Clergy (Seabury Press) in 1981, Psychotherapy After Kohut (The Analytic Press) in 1991 and Postulates of Kohut (Aronson) 2009.
Margaret M. Lee , a former nurse and Grief Counsellor holds a diploma in Adult Psychotherapy from ANZAP. She is registered with ANZAP(NSW),
holds a Certificate (Advanced) in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery in Music and works privately with clients. Areas of special interest are working with the frail Elderly and Palliative Care.
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